Thursday, 18 June 2015

Test yourself

Test Yourself

How java is platform independent ?

Difference between JDK,JRE and JVM.

What is object ? Write an example

What is Class ? Write an example

What is Inheritance? Write an example

What is Polymorphism ? Write an program for method overloading and method overriding.

What is Abstraction ? Write an example for class.

What is Encapsulation? Write an example for class.

What you mean by access modifiers ?

What is package and how you define user defined packages?

What you mean by variable ? write down the different variables with examples ?

What you mean by data type list some primitive data types ?

What you mean by Array ?

What is single dimensional array ? write an program to access its elements

What is multi dimensional array ? write an program to access its elements

How you get an array length ?

What is the use of super keyword ?

What is the use of this keyword ?

What you mean by interface? write an program

What you mean by abstract class ? write an program

What you mean by exception / Exceptions handling ?

What you mean by checked exceptions ?

What you mean by unchecked exceptions ?

What is the use of try-catch block ?

How you create an multi-level catch ?

What you mean by user defined exceptions or custom exceptions?

What is the difference between throw and throws ?

What is use of finally block ?

What is the difference between final,finally and finalize block ?

What you mean by Damean thread ?

What you mean by threads ?

How do you create an thread ?

How do you set an priority to execute the threads in order ?

Name some interrupting threads methods ?

What you mean by inter thread communication ?

What you mean by synchronization ?

Name some lists,class in collection framework ?

What is an array list ? write an program for us ?

What is an linked list ? write an program for us ?

What is an Hash map ? write an program for us ?

What is an Linked hash map ? write an program for us ?

What is an Tree map ? write an program for us ?

What you mean by enhanced for loop ?

What is an Hash table? write an program for us ?


Write an class to store students information.

Write an class for inheritance

Write an program to store student information in array list

Write an program to store employee details in hash map and perform the below methods in your class.

  1. Store the employee details with integer keys
  2. Get the 2nd employee from the map collection
  3. Remove the 1st employee from the collection
  4. Get the size of the map
  5. Clear the map and check the size
Write an program for try catch block

Write an interface and its implementation in one class


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