Wednesday 6 May 2015

Linked list

Linked list,

  • LinkedList class uses doubly linked list to store the elements. 
  • It extends the AbstractList class and implements List and Deque interfaces.
  • Contain duplicate elements.
  • Maintains insertion order.
  • Non synchronized.
  • Manipulation is fast because no shifting needs to be occurred.
  • Can be used as list, stack or queue.
List<String> linkedList=new LinkedList<String>();//creating linkedlist   
 linkedList.add("Mango");//adding object in linkedlist    
System.out.println("Linked List = : "+linkedList); 


Array list vs Linked list,

Array list
Linked list
Arra List internally uses dynamic array to store the elements.
Linked List internally uses doubly linked list to store the elements
Manipulation with Array List is slow because it internally uses array. If any element is removed from the array, all the bits are shifted in memory.
Manipulation with Linked List is faster than Array List because it uses doubly linked list so no bit shifting is required in memory.
Array List class can act as a list only because it implements List only.
Linked List class can act as a list and queue both because it implements List and Deque interfaces
Array List is better for storing and accessing data.
Linked List is better for manipulating data.

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